July 4th Boat Parade 2019
by Jim Appleby
It wasn’t a perfect day, a bit windy, a bit cloudy and not as warm as some, but 17 boats participated in one of Turtle Lake’s oldest traditions, the July 4th boat parade. Many of the boats were so lavishly and creatively decorated that judging the “best” was difficult. But a decision had to be made.
The Patriotic trophy went to the Erickson/Kjos boat, and the Creative trophy went to the Schlichting family boat. Congratulations! The parade lasted for about an hour, from its starting point in Dahlberg Bay, ending just north of the Arcadia. We went into Sager bay for the first time in years. All along the route, many families participated on the shore, waving and cheering the parade boats on. Thanks to all who participated both on and off the water!