Firewise Chipper Days Pickup
This year’s Chipper Days pickup with be between July 27 and July 30th. I will need everyone who has a brush pile for pick-up to submit their forms no later than July 22nd.
If you don’t have a brush pile, we still need you to submit your Firewise Participation form, but I don’t need to receive those until September 15th.
Please remember to mark your pile with colored survey tape so the crew can identify it. If needed, I can mark your brush pile for you when I’m checking locations, just let me know you need your pile marked. Please let me know where your brush pile is located if it is not in an obvious location.
As always, if you have any questions, please let me know. Thanks everyone for participating in the Firewise Program!
Click here for more information about Firewise.
Steve Long
Becker Road/Pine Point Road Firewise Community Coordinator
51864 Becker Road, Bigfork MN 56628