Lake Level


Paul Myers, Lake Level Committee

Greetings TLA Members:

As I write this note, ice is forming in the bays and around the calmer edges of Turtle Lake. This will be the last lake level communication for 2019!

As most of you know, the watersheds are very high all over the state, here included. NOAA reported that northern MN had the 11th wettest September on record and we continued to receive rain the first two weeks of October. This added to an already very wet summer for the watershed. Additionally, we have busy beavers that continue to build and rebuild their dams.

During the past 29 days alone, our team completely cleared the dams three times; in addition to the numerous times each month through the spring and summer. Our goal this fall was to drop the lake level before freeze-up knowing that winter snow and likely spring rains will add to the lake. However, with no further evaporation, persistent beavers and mother nature continuing to replenish the lake as fast as we could release it, the lake level is the same since our last update in early October. Reading as of November 4th was 1351.7. Although in the DNR target range of 1351.0 - 1351.8, we were hoping to end up in the lower half of the range. Hopefully, mother nature will be kind to us this winter.

Given the very wet circumstances we faced this year, the "beaver (dam) busters" were busy and did a good job. A BIG “thank you” to our 2019 Turtle Lake beaver buster volunteers: Alyce Appleby, Jim Brauner, Tim Goserud, Dale Hill, Steve Long, and Paul Myers.

This year it was the same 3-4 people that did most of the dam work. We are looking for more beaver dam buster volunteers to add to the list for 2020. How does it work? As a volunteer, your contact information will be added to the list. All you need are waders, a shovel, and a good back. When a TLA authorized organizer is assembling a team to make a trip to clear the dams, he will call/email people on this list until enough have committed. If you get called/emailed and can't make it, no problem, maybe it will work with your schedule next go around. It is understood that people have other priorities and aren't available so that is why we need more volunteers! If you think you could join us on one or more dam clearing adventures next year, please reply to this email.

Enjoy your winter, stay warm!

Turtle Lake Beaver Dam Busters